Every year on your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact degree it was when you were born. One trip around the Earth equals one solar revolution, which is why this service is called: “The Solar Return!” This service was created to give you a sneak-peak into your upcoming year. This is a great service for those curious about what lies ahead, and what to prepare themselves for. Topics in relation to work, travel, relationships, as well as family can be touched upon in the Solar Return, depending on what fate has planned for you. I do not recommend booking the Solar Return without having a good personal understanding of astrology. If you’re a complete beginner, I recommend having a natal chart reading first, whether it be with me, or with another astrologer. Understanding of the natal chart is crucial to understanding the nuance of the Solar Return. Please book a natal chart reading as a precursor! 


  • In depth look at your year ahead by cross-referencing your natal birth chart with the Solar Return chart

  • Looking at annual profections, and the profected Lord of the Year, to see which planet will be responsible for your year ahead

  • Looking at Zodiacal Releasing to see how the Solar Return aligns with the natal promise

  • Looking at the themes occurring in the client's life that specific year


“The Solar Return”

“The delivery was spot-on; her knowledge is evidently displayed in the way she easily and understandably conveys information. The combination of critical analysis, intuitive sense, passion, and kindness Michel brought made for the best experience I've ever had with an astrologer. Her passion for her craft shines through in every detail, and it's truly inspiring. She is truly committed to her methodology. This solar return reading gave me so much insight into what I can expect from this upcoming year, and her predictions for the conditions of the new experiences I am set to embark on were spot on.”   — Z.O.