Astrology is labour (plus astrological history!)

It has come to my attention that many people aren’t aware of what astrology really encompasses, and fair enough I’ve never really taken the time or energy to explain on a platform like this. So, we’re going to change that today. Buckle in folks! We’ve got A LOT to cover. A lot.

But first! Before we dive in: In honour of Vettius Valens, second-century Hellenistic astrologer, who used to write curses into his astrological texts as a way to protect the knowledge from advantageous folks.. I request something from you, as well. Instead of swearing an oath to protect astrology with your entire life, I simply ask of you to suspend disbelief. Enter this world with curiosity, not with judgement. Let yourself be surprised! Maybe then, it will finally make sense. Ok so just cross you heart, lift yourself into the air, and then keep scrolling.

I would love to begin with the myth that astrologers sit on their asses all day, making assumptions about people without any previous form of analytical study, data collection, or lived experience. Let’s debunk that real quick. We don’t “hate you because you’re a Gemini.” Actual astrologers know everyone is part-Gemini somewhere in their lives, hence the astrological wheel. We are every single sign. So, I hate to break it to you, if you dislike Cancers, for example, you probably act like a Cancer or encounter Cancerian energy somewhere in your life; whether it’s when you’re alone, or in groups, or in conversation with others, or even in conversation with yourself. You are the entire chart. Every planet, every sign, every house, including the signs that you might dislike or have been taught to dislike. Astrologers are not trying to place you into neat little boxes by calling you a Virgo. They’re actively trying to take into consideration all of your contradictions, your paradoxes, your most complex selves, and return them to you in a way that hopefully paints a clearer description of your lived experience. To be able to recognize traits and events accurately, to connect with a chart, and thus with the person, to truly see them as they are, flaws and all, it takes skill. It is a labour of love.

The type of astrology we’ve all been accustomed to is pure caca (shit). I’ll say it right now, flat out, it’s just another way of manipulating people into fear as a way to sell more horoscopes. Even astrology can not avoid the dangers of capitalism. Mean people prey on other people’s vulnerability. Those kinds of assholes exist everywhere, not just in astrology. Furthermore, pop astrology also serves as a great distraction, since all of its supposed knowledge is practically made up and used as an excuse for some sort of bad behaviour. Astrology, rather than for self-reflection, can serve as a tool for avoidance, in the same way a fork can be used as a weapon, even if that was never its original, intended function. There are scammers in every industry, not just in astrology. 

On the other hand, the claim that ALL of the knowledge in pop-astrology is false, is also a false statement. The archetypes that pop astrology have subverted come from real, esoteric, traditional texts. I mean like, ancient knowledge written on the remains of crumbling pieces of Papyrus, on real emerald stones, or walls inside tombs. I’m talking shit that burnt in the Library of Alexandria (pain). The ancients (mostly about the Mesopotamians around the first-century BCE, in modern day Iraq) were the ones who planted the original astrological seed through their celestial omens, watching for patterns in the sky that would eventually coincide with patterns here on Earth, hence “as above, so below.”

The Mesopotamians didn’t believe that the planets actually caused or influenced events occurring on Earth, but believed they were omens from the Gods, warning them about their fate and fortune. Many people think astrology comes from astronomy, or that they were created around the same time, which the latter is fairly true. Astronomy actually comes as a result of astrological observation of said celestial omens, since the  astrologers at the first ever universities realized that math and physics could make their astrological predictions even more accurate. Over two thousand years ago, astrologers began what is known as the largest data collection project of all time; with statistics of planetary positions, and numerical degrees spanning centuries. For example, it wasn’t rare to find mathematicians that also dabbled in astrology, such as Claudius Ptolemy from Alexandria, who viewed the astral art as a derivative of applied physics.

Astrologers were spiritual consultants to Assyrian Kings, warning them of the possible dangers their nations could face, or the best ways to harbour prosperity for the people. Chaldean astrologers predicted Alexander the Great’s successful invasion of Mesopotamia, and their victory at The Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC. The same astrologers predicted the death of Alexander in Babylon, and eleven days after his arrival to the city, he died on either the 11th or the 13th of June, in 323 BC, with the actual day of being unclear. I’m just saaaaaying, maybe Alexander could’ve lived to see another day if he hadn’t entered Babylon like the damn Chaldean astrologers warned. He really was causing chaos though, so maybe he had to go. Lol. Sorry Alex. 

That smidge of a history lesson doesn’t begin to reflect the centuries of studying, and data collection that occurred after; through the Roman Empire, the Islamic Empire by the seventh-century, entering the Medieval times around the eighth-century, traveling through Persia and Arabia, through the Crusades and the “Dark Ages,” reaching a low point at around the 18th century, with a final resurrection during the early 19th and 20th century spiritualism, finished with the current “New Age” revival. We haven’t even gotten to the math yet! Did you know that Mercury retrograde isn’t some silly joke on the internet? That it has has deep and complex, astronomical, and astrological meaning? The physics of it all, man! It can’t be explained in just an hour. Sometimes, us astrologers, feel like we need lifetimes to explain the meaning of it all.

To be an astrologer is to be an astronomer and mathematician. It is to be your best friend, therapist, and confidant. You need to know history, geography, religion, theosophy, epistemology, ontology, and a basic understanding of hermeneutics. One must practice spiritualism, not just intellectualize it. This means that every astrologer (I know of, at least!) is committed to bettering themselves spiritually as a way to become better astrologers. How can we help others, if we ourselves don’t have a grasp of our personal projections, our jealousies, and shadows? Astrology is the greatest, most rigorous, most full, and complete philosophical undertaking that I have ever had the honor to study. I have never studied or done anything harder in my life, and trust me, I’m a middle child. 

We haven’t even gotten into the history of each sign, each planet, where the houses derive from, and how they can all be applied. I have seen astrologers make real predictions that have come true with my own eyes. Even my own aunt (shout-out a mi tía, Victoria) has been able to predict a full year of mine only because of her due diligence, study, passion, love, and understanding of the tradition (btw.. the entire time I was like, pfffft, what is she talking about.. and then 5 months later, she’s absolutely right. I did not get a boyfriend, among other things. LOL).

That being said.. Would you ask a house cleaner to clean your house for free, just so you can “test their skills” before paying for their services? I really hope not. It’s the same way with astrology. Astrology is labour. Labour is hard work. And hard work deserves payment.


A love letter to Venus Retrograde


Chapter One.